Financial Options
What Do You Get?
Access to a digital resource pack with images, press releases, digital copy and more!
Up to 10 x A3 posters
Up to 25 x A4 posters
1 x 0.5 x 1m vinyl banner, where required (We print our own so if alternative sizes or more are required please get let us know. Please note additional charges may apply)
Overprinting on all the above, using your logo
Online ticketing via our website (for further details see below)
Telephone ticket sales via our box office number
Front of house management on the day of the performance if required
Additional posters, banners and flyers can be provided at a reduced cost to our venues. Please note that in summer 2023 we had over 3500 unused flyers returned to us so have stopped offering these as part of our standard package. Please contact us if you would like to chat about including flyers for your venue
A fantastically staged production that takes care of the venue. We use rubber foot staging that is adjustable in height so we ensure audiences get the best view of the show whilst ensuring minimal damage to surfaces. We recognise the importance of our surroundings-that's why we are considered by many to be the best!
A bold statement but true! Because all of our shows have live music and song and all our lighting is battery operated. We don't need power so if you've got the perfect spot in your venue don't let a lack of power supply stop you from booking a show to perform there! We go where others simply can't!
We can provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance upon request.
A detailed risk assessment of the performance to be used in conjunction with venue risk assessments.
We arrange and pay for all company accommodation and transport.
We provide you with all the show information, photos and press releases, as well as directly market via our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We will also contact local and national press to support all shows.
Don't be! We perform in all but dangerous conditions and haven't cancelled a show yet due to weather! We've delayed the start time to allow for heavy showers/storms to pass but have most definitely performed in the rain on many occasion! If venues are able to provide an alternative indoor space we are more than happy to move location too-because we have easy to erect and flexible staging for all our shows this isn't a problem for us at all! If a show has to be cancelled due to the weather we will happily reschedule the performance for another day. We just ask that if you have sold tickets you inform customers, (we'll take care of any sold by This is my Theatre/TIMT) and honour everyone’s tickets –hopefully we can even sell a few more before we return too!
Box Office Split
Our most popular financial option is the Box Office Split. This allows a venue/organiser to book a This Is My Theatre deposit with just a small deposit of £100.
The terms of Box Office Split vary depending on two metrics:
Ticket Vendor
Venue Capacity
Ticket Vendor
We price and run our Box Office Split agreements depending on whether you, as the venue/host, would prefer us to sell tickets for the event of whether you would like to run the box office yourself.
Yourself (The Venue/Organiser) to Sell Tickets
If you, as the Venue/Organiser, would like to sell tickets via your own box office system then we would look for the Box Office Split to proceed on the following terms:
70% : 30% | This Is My Theatre : Venue/Organiser
Deposit | £100
Note: The above split is based on a venue with a capacity of 60+. For venues with a capacity <60 we would require 80% : 20% | This Is My Theatre : Venue
Cue Marketing to Sell Tickets
If you, as the Venue/Organiser, would prefer not to sell tickets then that is not a problem at all. Let Cue Marketing handle that for you!
In this instance we would kindly hand over management to our other company Cue Marketing (the official ticketing agency for This Is My Theatre) who will set up and run the box office for the event. A ticketing page providing secure online booking will be created via Ticket Tailor with all the required event details. A link will be generated which you will be able to share with your venue's local following and prospective audience members will still be able to access the booking page via
In the above scenario we would look for the Box Office Split to proceed on the following terms:
80% : 20% | This Is My Theatre : Venue/Organiser
Deposit | £100
Note: This increase goes towards covering administration costs. For more information regarding Cue Marketing please click here.
With all of our venues we ask for a Guarantee to be put in place. This figure is an agreed sum that represents the minimum amount that Cue Marketing will take on the day (regardless of ticket sales.)
We base the agreed Guarantee price very simply on...
Venue Capacity
For venues with a capacity of >60 the Guarantee price is £850 (the equivalent of 57 tickets sold at £15)
For venues with a capacity of <60 the Guarantee price is £750 (the equivalent of 50 tickets sold at £15)
Note: The set Guarantee price does not allow for This Is My Theatre to turn any profit on the day, the amount purely covers our performers' costs for the performance date.
Example of Guarantee
Should a performance at a >60 Venue only sell 40 tickets at £15 (rather than the required 57 tickets) the below would apply:
40 tickets x £15 = £600
The agreed Guarantee price of £850 - £600 = £250
However, the pre-paid deposit of £100 will be taken into account before we would invoice the Venue/Organiser for the balance. Therefore:
Outstanding balance of £250 - Deposit of £100 = £150 (Outstanding Balance to be Invoiced for)
In all honesty, it is very, very rare that a show does not reach this minimum fee on box-office splits and all our Venues/Organisers are fully supported with marketing and promotion to make sure ticket sales are achieved.
Example Booking
Let us say that you are running a venue which has a capacity of >60 and you would like Cue Marketing to act as the Ticket Vendor (on behalf of This Is My Theatre) for the production as we proceed with the Box Office Split agreement in place.
We would ask for an 80% : 20% Split (This Is My Theatre : Venue/Organiser) to be agreed upon.
We would ask for a Guarantee fee of £850 to be agreed upon.
Upon agreement of terms, we would ask for a Deposit of £100 to paid.
Following the signing of a contract, a Ticketing Event Page for then be created for you by Cue Marketing. We would look to agree ticket prices with you before publishing the event. Let's assume we went ahead with the below prices:

Ticket Category
General Admission
Family of 4
Under 4s
Accompanying Registered Carers

110 tickets are sold. These are made up of:
General Admission: 75 x £15 = £1125
Concession: 25 x £12 = £300
Family of 4: 10 x £50 = £500
This gives us a total of [£1125 + £300 + £500] £1925
80% Share to This Is My Theatre = £1540
Note: As this total is greater than the Guarantee price of £850 the guarantee is nulled and does not apply.
20% to venue: £385
+ Return of Deposit of £100 = £485
Total to be invoiced from venue = £485
Most of our venues also choose to run ancillary activities that generate further income on top of this also, for example, the selling of refreshments, the running of a raffle or craft fairs and other activities. Any income from ancillary activities goes solely to the organiser of those activities and does not factor as part of the Box Office Split.


Online Ticketing
Cue Marketing, the official ticketing agency for This Is My Theatre, offer a secure, online ticketing service via their website to enable customers to pay for tickets with credit/debit card ahead of the performance date.
Once they have completed their purchase, the customer receives an email confirmation with their tickets ready to print or keep on their phones for use on the day of the show. The system also produces a door list for each venue so if anyone loses tickets they can still be admitted.
How does it work?
The Venue decides, in conjunction with Cue Marketing, on an allocation of tickets to be made available for sale online. This can be all, none or a proportion of the tickets available. For example, for a venue with a capacity of 300, Cue Marketing (on behalf of This Is My Theatre) could sell 300 tickets, 0 tickets or a figure in between to be decided by the venue. If Cue Marketing (on behalf of This Is My Theatre) were allocated 100 tickets to sell then the Venue/Organiser would have 200 tickets to sell locally.
Note: If either party sells all of their allocation and there is still time before the performance date we can redistribute the remaining tickets held by the other to ensure that together we sell as many as possible! Any unsold tickets are made available on the door on the day.
After the performance Cue Marketing will email you a breakdown of sales via their box office and a request to invoice.
Cue Marketing charges the customer a £0.72 Booking Fee per ticket as well as a Transaction Fee of 1.5% of the booking value + £0.30 which includes:
Administration costs + website fees
A percentage of each transaction to be paid to the online payment providers
Note: The Box Office Split occurs on the face value of the tickets.
Who are Cue Marketing?
With many of our venues needing ticketing and marketing support it made sense to create this new agency to manage this aspect of our work. Cue Marketing is part of our group of companies specialising in advertising and ticketing events, ensuring our venues who don't have the ability to sell tickets themselves online, are still able to offer this service and get great audience numbers along to their shows!
What Do You Get?
Access to a digital resource pack with images, press releases, digital copy and more!
Up to 10 x A3 posters
Up to 25 x A4 posters
1 x 0.5 x 1m vinyl banner, where required (We print our own so if alternative sizes or more are required please get let us know. Please note additional charges may apply)
Overprinting on all the above, using your logo
Online ticketing via our website (for further details see below)
Telephone ticket sales via our box office number
Front of house management on the day of the performance if required
Additional posters, banners and flyers can be provided at a reduced cost to our venues. Please note that in summer 2023 we had over 3500 unused flyers returned to us so have stopped offering these as part of our standard package. Please contact us if you would like to chat about including flyers for your venue
A fantastically staged production that takes care of the venue. We use rubber foot staging that is adjustable in height so we ensure audiences get the best view of the show whilst ensuring minimal damage to surfaces. We recognise the importance of our surroundings-that's why we are considered by many to be the best!
A bold statement but true! Because all of our shows have live music and song and all our lighting is battery operated. We don't need power so if you've got the perfect spot in your venue don't let a lack of power supply stop you from booking a show to perform there! We go where others simply can't!
We can provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance upon request.
A detailed risk assessment of the performance to be used in conjunction with venue risk assessments.
We arrange and pay for all company accommodation and transport.
We provide you with all the show information, photos and press releases, as well as directly market via our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We will also contact local and national press to support all shows.
Don't be! We perform in all but dangerous conditions and haven't cancelled a show yet due to weather! We've delayed the start time to allow for heavy showers/storms to pass but have most definitely performed in the rain on many occasion! If venues are able to provide an alternative indoor space we are more than happy to move location too-because we have easy to erect and flexible staging for all our shows this isn't a problem for us at all! If a show has to be cancelled due to the weather we will happily reschedule the performance for another day. We just ask that if you have sold tickets you inform customers, (we'll take care of any sold by This is my Theatre/TIMT) and honour everyone’s tickets –hopefully we can even sell a few more before we return too!
Show Buyout
An alternative financial option to the Box Office Split is the Show Buyout. This allows a venue/host to buy a show outright and then keep all money raised through ticket sales.
We price these according to three metrics:
Peak or Off-Peak Date
Venue Capacity
Venue Location
Peak or Off-Peak Date
We separate our performance weeks into both Peak Dates and Off-Peak Dates due to venue demand (though we often sell out on Off-Peak dates so don't let a Tuesday booking put you off!)
Off-Peak Dates | Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
Peak Dates | Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays (+ Bank Holidays)
(Note: We do not tend to perform on Mondays, however this can be arranged if this is your preferred performance day, e.g. if it's a bank holiday etc)
For a performance set to take place on an Off-Peak Date (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) we are able to offer a reduced minimum buyout fee of £850 (+VAT) for Non-VAT Registered Venues and £1000 (+VAT) for VAT Registered Venues. For Performances on Peak Dates (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) our minimum buyout fees increase to £1250 (+VAT) and £1500 (+VAT) for Non-VAT Registered and VAT Registered Venues respectively.
A full table of of Buyout prices according to Peak vs Off-Peak Dates can be found below along with information regarding...
Venue Capacity
Alongside Peak vs Off-Peak Dates we also base the buyout price on the capacity of the venue/amount of tickets to be sold for the performance in order to keep things as fair as possible (as we work with spaces of all sizes, from 30-seater chapels to coastal forts capable of holding 300+.)
As a general rule, we cost this at a reduced ticket price of £10 per person (for example, a 120 capacity venue would be priced at £1200 +VAT) with a minimum Buyout fee of £1000, though for smaller venues of less than 100 we might be able to offer a discount please Contact Us to discuss this.

Tuesday - Thursday
Tuesday - Thursday
Friday - Sunday
Friday - Sunday
Venue Capacity
VAT Registered Venue
Non-VAT Registered Venue
VAT Registered Venue
Non-VAT Registered Venue
£1000 (+VAT)
£850 (+VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
£1100 (+VAT)
£920 (+VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
£1200 (+VAT)
£1000 (+VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
£1300 (+VAT)
£1090 (+VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
£1400 (+VAT)
£1170 (+VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
£1500 (+VAT)
£1250 (+ VAT)
Venue Location
Finally, as a Sussex-based company that tours nationally we have to factor in accommodation, fuel and our performers' time accordingly. We have included the additional fees based on the location of the venue in the table below:

Venue Location
Non-VAT Registered Venue
East & West Sussex, Kent, Surrey
Plus £50 (Incl. VAT)
Hampshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire
Plus £100 (Incl. VAT)
Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset & Gloucestershire
Plus £200 (Incl. VAT)
Rest of the Country + Wales & Scotland
Plus £250 (Incl. VAT)
Example Booking
Let us say that you are running a Non-VAT Registered Venue in Essex which has a capacity of 130 and you would like to book one of shows on the Buyout principle to visit on a Wednesday.
Wednesday is an Off-Peak date for us and the buyout fee for a Non-Vat Registered Venue with a capacity of 130 on an Off-Peak date is £1090 (+VAT). As the venue is in Essex we would charge an additional fee of £100 (incl. VAT) giving a Total Buyout Fee of:
[£1090 + VAT =] £1308 + £100 =£1408
If you were to sell all tickets for the show at our recommended price of £15 General Admission and at a capacity of 130:
Total Ticket Sales | 130 x £15 = £1950
Minus Buyout Fee | £1950 - £1408 = £542 [Venue/Organiser Profit]